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Winter 2024 Tea Release
Togetherness: Sharing and Presence
Togetherness may not be part of chanoyu but it is an intrinsic part of tea. The very character for tea centrally contains ren 人, the symbol for people. While the confluence of the ideogram represents humanity in harmony with nature, it's important to parse each constituent stroke. The fate of the tea plant and of humanity have become inexorably intertwined. And, being a plant, tea can not simply speak and say what it wishes. Its spread, enjoyment, and the multitude of rituals across every culture on earth are the result of humanity. Uniquely among beverages, tea is served as an invitation, as a gesture of welcome, and of calling the disparate together -- even in times of war.
Explore Tea By Type
Black Tea 红茶
Green Tea 綠茶
White Tea 白茶
Yellow Tea
Oolong Tea 乌龙茶
Herbal Tonics
Explore our Aged Teas Collection
Visit the Past
Discover our selection of aged teas, harvested as far back as 1990. We are very grateful for our producer-partners, whom have entrusted us with some of their personal, treasured offerings. Uncover the unique flavors and stories within each leaf.
Education & Resources
Our Education Never Stops
Curiosity inspires us to share. We look to the future as being a more open, eager, and humble tea community. In short, we want to put our work and investment towards the world we wish to live in and into those who want to create their own tea practice. We are a small team of many talents, a majority of which are former specialty coffee and retail tea professionals.